Sampling Equipment: The snake belt
- I'm going to buy you a snake belt - my guide Mamadou said while driving by the N7 on our way to Tonboronkoto (Kedougou, East Senegal) It was only my second day at Africa, and I hadn't completely updated my brain software from ''Confident European'' to ''Silly Toubab''. I didn't want a new belt, and less of all if the belt was made of snake skin, maybe a CITES protected one. -Thanks, but no need for that, I already have one -I answered firmly. Niokolo Koba entrance - Not this one. You need this one. You are going to the Rainforest, you need this belt. Everybody here wears one when working at the fields. So, that was it. My guide trying to sell me something - I thought. I know that they have to live and so, but I'm not buying something I don't want. - No, really Mamadou, I don't need one, Thank you. - You don't understand. This is a magic belt. There are a lot of snakes in the Rainforest, and this be...